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A girl's way forward...

So, it seems that I have been neglecting to put my thoughts down on black and white. There's only one explanation for this: dojos are open, keiko is going strong and this girl has barely time to think, because she's only doing.  I do feel that writing was a way to express myself, when everything had been frozen in time. The keyboard became my iaito and writing became my weekly routine that kept me sane and motivated to re-join keiko 100% when everything would re-open. It worked wonders, I must say!  A friend pointed out how much she could relate with my posts and my journey, even if a little bit. It made me realize that writing shouldn't stop now that we're out and about, the same way doing suburi hadn't stopped either when dojo was closed. But her words made me think that there are always people out there doing their best, going forward, or even sometimes having to stop temporarily and give themselves a break. But if we all find ways to pull and push each other, fi...

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